Friday, January 4, 2008

Enriched-Enlightened-Empowered - BookWise

Sometimes it is difficult to step back and take stock of what is really important. The fast pace of today's society make it difficult to place value on those things that are really important.

If we do stop and think about it most people would say God first, Family second and Career is third. As we go through the hustle and bustle of each week, we often lose sight of this undeniable truth.

One of the secrets of keeping your focus is to make sure that you are surrounded by like minded people. The fact is that over time you are going to share the same values, and income with the 6 people that you consider you best friends.

That is why it is so important to align yourself with people and companies that share your values.

This Blog will explore some of those commercial organizations that not only share the value of God first, Family Second and Career third, but who have a product that improves society and that contribute to the Greater Good.

The first company that will be examined is Bookwise.
BookWiseTM is the brainchild of #1 bestselling author Richard Paul Evans. Shortly after Evans wrote his internationally bestselling financial book The Five Lessons A Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth, he began looking for ways for his readers to "win in the margins". Unsatisfied with the business models already available, Evans set out to create the most logical, enjoyable home-based business in the world—one with low risk and high potential income. Following his passion for books, Evans, with the help of business experts, developed a revolutionary way to not only build a home-based business but to improve personal intellect and well-being and build a better world.
Specifically, BookWise has a bookstore that is posed to compete with both Amazon and Barnes and Nobel. They offer over 1.5 million book titles, over 140,000 music cd's, movie dvd's and video games. They are offering prices that are the same as or better than either Amazon or B&N preferred customer program ... however, they have a twist:
BookWise is the only major Internet bookseller that filters for content.
"Bear in mind that BookWise is not about censorship. Freedom demands input from contrasting points of view. Freedom of speech and press is essential to enlightenment. We may not like what you say, but we'll fight to defend your right to say it. A few (thankfully very few) Associates have complained because there were books that did not agree with their religious, political or specific beliefs. This is not enlightened and we will not bend to accommodate such intolerance. However, there are books we do find objectionable. Books dealing with pornography, satanism and the blatant promotion of suicide or murder we will not carry."
BookWise is taking the most objectionable material off their shelves. With all the efforts that families take to protect their children this attempt at moving the most objectionable material should be commended.
Does BookWise create enrichement in the lives of its associates and the general public?
BookWise prinicpal products are Books and Success Training. It is undisputable that these two products enrich the lives of those who are exposed to them.
A Book is the most respected product EVER!. Books are powerful, books are inspirational. They have changed lives.

Have you ever read a book that has inspired you... helped you... changed your life? Well if you have you understand the power of books. Most of us can name a book that impacted us at a crucial time in our lives. Think about your favorite books - the ones that have influenced you.

Have you ever read a book and wanted to share it with a friend or family member? ("You've got to read this book!") Has someone ever encouraged you to read a book and you were so glad that they did!? That's the world of books. They're part of our culture, part of our lives.

Books have changed society. Not a single culture, political movement or even a religion had thrived which did not have a book at its core. Books are powerful, books are inspirational, books contain the sum wisdom of all the greatest minds throughout history... from time in memorial.

Every major world movement began with a book. From Uncle Tom's Cabin to The Communist Manifesto, every major political revolution has a book at its core. From the Bible to the Qur'an, every major religious movement started with a book. From Rachel Carson's Silent Spring to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, every societal upheaval was born of a book. No wonder books are cherished, extolled and even feared.
BookWise Associates are also able to particpate in over 18 life enhancing teleseminars and webcasts each and every month that:
  • Teach you to bePresident of your business and of your Life. Llessons and secrets of success by multi-millionaires.
  • Lessons on how to improve your finances and wealth creation.
  • Advice on how to improve all the relationships in your life
  • Mentors teach you how to build Inner Wealth and improve your self-esteem.
  • Top experts show you how to take advantage of tax breaks available to home-based businesses.

Customers and Associates who read books or take advantage of the success training can't help but be enriched by the experience.

Is BookWise an Enlightened Company?

Enlightenement can be defined in several different ways. BookWise seeks to be enlightened in a number of ways that are extremely important.

BookWise understands that giving is not only rewarding, but creates wealth to the person giving.

First, 1% from the sale of EVER book, CD, DVD or game sold will go to charity,

BookWise donates thousands of books to children and school systems who are less fortunate and not able to purchase them.

BookWise also donates 10% of all profits to charities.

Most companies do not see the wisdom of automatically donating both a portion of sales and profits to a charitable cause.... at Bookwise consider it essential... They consider it wise..

The Consider it Bookwise.

Another aspect of being enlightened is the fact that Bookwise provides a Better Your Life Guarantee.
What is the BookWise Better your Life Guarantee.... it is simple...

An active Bookwise Associate has a full year to test, try and build their business. If after that year, they are not convinced in that Bookwise has improved and better their life, they simply request a refund from Bookwise and the monthly fees will be returned to you (excluding tax) and you get to keep the books they acquired over the year.
Letting a person "test" the business for a full year with out risk or penalty is an exceptional example of a company that has both confidence in their product and a realization it is better to leave behind a person who has experienced Good Will as opposed to a bad experience.
Finally does BookWise Empower People?
BookWise enriches associates and customers through knowledge acquired through books and success training. Associates find that they associate on a weekly basis with like minded people who have a postive attitude about life and success. BookWise associates also can create wealth by sharing a person passion of books with friends and family.
People who have these attibutes in their life are empowered by the confidence and personal growth that they are acquiring.
BookWise clearly passes the test and deserves to be know as an Enriched-Enlightened-Empowered Company.
To learn more about the company go to and click on one of the logos. These are the BookWise teams that have branded themselves as the Enriched-Empower-Enlightened Teams of Bookwise. Click on one of the logos and learn more about what BookWise and the individual team has to offer.
To simply buy books at the best prices of any major bookstore, go to:

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